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d sneezing. Use baby wipes, a soft, damp cloth or cotton balls to remove any discharge from the dog's nose after sneezing. This ke eps the dog comfortable and helps prevent the spread of infection to other pets.Anaphylactic Shock Dogs may develop serious allerg ic reactions to components of shots. Anaphylactic shock is a sudden, life-threatening allergic reaction triggered by the dog's imm une system as a response to some portion of the vaccine. Symptoms of anaphlylactic shock are vomiting, diarrhea, facial swelling, 1195 itching, trouble breathing, weakness, seizures, and even death, explains Dr. Lila Miller, a veterinarian for the ASPCA, in an arti cle for Pet Finder. Should your dog develop any of these symptoms following the DA2PP vaccine, seek emergency veterinarian care im budget mobile phones mediately. Systemic Reactions Your dog may be sleepy and less active after his booster shot. Some dogs may appear to be lethargic, .

short-lived and usually resolve without treatment, according to Pet Place veterinarians. Localized Reactions Some dogs may not wa nt to be touched following vaccination. Some dogs will develop local reactions, such as a lump, at the injection site. According t o Vet Info, the lump generally absorbs into the dog's system within a day or two. Other local reactions include pain upon being to uched, redness, irritation and, sometimes, the development of abscesses or other hard tissue formations. Local reactions usually r 1615 esolve on their own but should be reported if they persist. Other Side Effects Some dogs have been known to develop nervous system problems after the administration of a modified live distemper vaccine. This condition is known as "vaccinial distemper" and take budget mobile phones s place 10 to 21 days following the modified live vaccine, according to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center. In some cases, dogs have .

t as people do. The most common cause of itchy skin in dogs is allergies. Dogs may be allergic to something they inhale, such as p ollen, or to specific foods or environmental toxins. As the allergic reaction increases, the itchiness will also increase. Dogs wi th allergies will often have open sores on their skin from excessive itching. Since allergies are the most common causes of itchy skin in dogs, the first step in alleviating the itchiness is to eliminate possible allergens through environmental changes and foo 2903 d trials. Fleas Fleas and flea allergies can cause extremely itchy skin in dogs. While fleas usually cause almost every dog to scr atch, dogs with flea allergies will often scratch constantly, even causing sores on the skin. For dogs who have a sensitivity to f budget mobile phones leas, even one flea bite can cause generalized itching. Dogs with flea allergies benefit from receiving both topical and oral flea .

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