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en do not feel well; therefore, if you notice your pet is acting abnormally, take it to a veterinarian for a physical examination, suggests the WebMD website. Cancer doesn't always show significant signs early on, so it is important to bring any concern to the vet's attention as soon as it occurs. Dogs with cancer will commonly stop eating or refuse to participate in activities they norm ally enjoy. In addition, the dog may act depressed or seem more lethargic than usual. Physical Abnormalities According to the Pet 1342 Place website, dogs with cancer will commonly develop physical abnormalities. For instance, a dog with cancer may experience unexp lained bleeding from openings in its body. The dog could also have issues urinating or defecating or develop changes in its bowel budget mobile phones or bladder habits. The dog may have difficulty breathing or have a foul odor coming from its body. Problems eating or swallowing c .

veterinarian to look for cancer.Shih tzus do not need as much exercise as large dogs. 30 Minute Walk The general rule is that smal l to medium-sized dogs such as the shih tzu need one 30 minute walk per day, although this can be broken up into two walks of 15 m inutes each. The shih tzu does not have to be continually walking the entire time as it will need to sniff, urinate and defecate. When short-legged dogs like shih tzus begin panting heavily, walking slower or even dropping to the ground and refusing to move, t 1501 hen the walk is too long. No Daily Walk A shih tzu may not need a walk if it gets plenty of playtime with its owner in the home an d yard rather than spending all day alone in a crate. Walks can be dangerous for a shih tzu if the weather is hot and humid. Shih budget mobile phones tzus have a flat or brachycephalic face, which makes it difficult to breathe and makes them more prone to heat stroke. Bottom Line .

t stroke and breathing problems during hot weather, keep shih tzus' hair clipped in hot weather and do not walk them.1 Fill a tub with warm water. This can be your bathtub, or an outdoor tub for bathing your animals. 2 Drop in a bar of Fels Naptha soap. 3 Plac e your pet in the tub. 4 Lather the soap in your hands if your pet is small or overly sensitive to handling, or lather directly in to the animal's coat. 5 Rinse the soap out of the animal's coat, being sure to get it all. If you feel it necessary, repeat the la 1126 ther and rinse.Treatment for Trauma A dog with effusion of the knee should be taken to the vet. The collection of fluid around the joint may be caused by trauma somewhere in the surrounding area. The treatment for this will depend on the extent of the damage. budget mobile phones If there is damage to the tissue in the surrounding area, the vet will advise that the dog should be kept as quiet as possible to .

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