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rest the leg and will also prescribe pain-killing medication. Treatment for Arthritis Dogs may develop arthritis, and more than on e joint may be affected. This is more common in older dogs and usually develops fairly slowly. You may notice a difference in the dog's gait and walk, as well as some swelling around the joint. An anti-inflammatory pill may be prescribed by the vet, who will w eigh the dog to determine the dosage. Other Treatments Effusion of the knee is a symptom rather than a disease, so the vet will ha 1501 ve to investigate the cause. X-rays will be taken. If there is a tumor in the surrounding area, it may be possible to have this re moved. Blood tests will be taken. If these indicate any underlying illness, like a kidney problem or immune disorder, treatment ma budget mobile phones y the prescription of steroid medication for the dog.1 Soak a soft wash cloth in hot water and gently scrub your Chihuahua's face, .

five times each day to continuously open blocked pores. 2 Apply aloe vera to your chihuahua's face after each wash to kill bacter ia and promote healthy skin. You can use aloe vera juice straight from the plant, or you can use bottled aloe vera juice. Accordin g to the Natural Dog Health Remedies, this solution can alleviate canine acne due to its antibacterial and astringent properties. 3 Apply a benzoyl peroxide solution to the face twice weekly. Chihuahuas have sensitive skin and require a minimum-strength soluti 1126 on, between 2 and 4 percent of the active ingredient. As a result, you must purchase a canine-specific benzoyl peroxide solution, available at pet stores and online. Do not use over-the-counter acne treatments designed for humans.Patellar Luxation Patellar lux budget mobile phones ation, or slipped kneecaps, is an inherited disorder that affects chihuahuas, as well as many other small and toy-sized breeds. Th .

th this disorder have difficulty walking. They may hop, skip or avoid putting any weight on the affected leg. The Web Vet website warns that patellar luxation causes arthritis in the knee. Most chihuahuas do not require treatment for this condition. Dogs with severe cases of patellar luxation are treated with weight management, anti-inflammatory medication or surgery. Glaucoma The Canine Inherited Diseases Database indicates that chihuahuas are susceptible to an eye disorder called goniodysgenesis glaucoma, a painf 2882 ul condition that leads to blindness. This disorder develops in dogs that have an abnormal piece of tissue in the area of the eye where drainage normally takes place. Excessive fluid puts pressure on the inside of the eye. This damages the retina and optic ner budget mobile phones ve. The veterinarian diagnoses the condition by using a machine called a tonometer to measure the pressure inside the eye. Excessi .

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